Category: Uncategorized


Few Popular Trends In Plumbing Technology

Smart home technology is transforming how we complete routine tasks and manage utility costs in our homes. Here are three popular trends owners are following to upgrade their home plumbing systems to be safer, more sanitary, and more energy efficient. For Instant Quote On Any Plumbing Technology Click Here! Give us a call today at […]

Mr. Drain 

Find Your Main Water Shut-Off Valve

Generally, you only turn off water to specific fixtures during plumbing repairs, but sometimes it’s necessary to use the main water shut-off valve to prevent costly water damage during an emergency. However, it’s surprising how many people don’t know where to find this important valve. Plumbing can be confusing, especially for older houses, so here […]

Mr. Drain 

Fix a Running Toilet

Is a running toilet driving up your water bill and keeping you awake at night? It’s a common issue that homeowners will likely encounter at some point. The simplest explanation for this annoyance is that, for one reason for another, the flapper (which controls the flow of water from the tank into the toilet bowl) […]

Mr. Drain 

How to Fix a Running Toilet

Is a running toilet driving up your water bill and keeping you awake at night? It’s a common issue that homeowners will likely encounter at some point. The simplest explanation for this annoyance is that, for one reason for another, the flapper (which controls the flow of water from the tank into the toilet bowl) […]

Mr. Drain